Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy

  1. Aim

This policy aims to explain how to apply for a place at the school

  1. How to Apply

For all applications you should use the school’s application form.  You can request an admission pack by email to or in person from the school’s reception.   Once the initial request has been made a personal appointment will be made for you and your child to meet with the relevant Head of School to review your child’s academic record and to assess the suitability of this school for your child as well as to determine the level of entry.

Al Mustaqbal is a non-selective school and every effort will be made to accommodate the needs of the individual child.   There is no academic testing prior to admission.   However, as an English medium school we reserve the right to assess your child’s level of English language, both spoken and written, in order to determine if additional support is required for your child to be able to access our curriculum effectively.   When agreement has been reached between the you and the Head of School to admit, in principle, your child you will then meet with the School’s Business Manager to complete the relevant paperwork and ensure that we have everything that we need in order to register your child.

You will then be directed to our Finance Dept. for payment of the relevant registration fee. Once payment has been confirmed and a receipt issued, formal notice of enrolment will be sent to you, together with arrangements for your child’s first day at our school.

  1. Requests for Admissions Outside the Normal Age Group

Parents are entitled to request a place for their child outside their normal age group.   Decisions on requests for admission outside the normal age group will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and the best interests of the child. This will include taking into account:

  • Parents’ views
  • Information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development
  • Where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional
  • Whether they have previously been educated outside of their normal age group
  • Whether they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for their having been born prematurely
  • The views of the relevant Head of School and of the Director of Education

Wherever possible requests for admission outside a child’s normal age group will be processed as part of the normal admissions procedure.   Parents will always be informed of the reasons for any decision on the year group a child should be admitted to.

  1. In year admissions

You can apply for a place for your child at any time of year. If there are spaces available in the year group you are applying for, your child will always be offered a place.

If there are no places available at the time of your application, your child’s name will be added to a waiting list for the relevant year group. When a space becomes available it will be filled by one of the students on the waiting list according to the following criteria:

  1. Students previously registered in the school
  2. Priority will next be given to the children of staff at the school in either of the following circumstances
  1. The member of staff has been employed by the school for a period of two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school was made
  2. The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage

Priority will next be given to children with siblings at the school. Siblings include step-siblings, foster siblings, adopted siblings and other children living permanently at the same address. Priority will not be given to children with siblings who are former students at the school.

Priority will then be given to students who have been on the waiting list longest.


The international bank account number (IBAN) for the school's accounts on social media is as follows:

Arab Bank PS44ARAB000000009030607650510 PS73ARAB000000009030607650570 PS23ARAB000000009030607650500
TNB Bank PS66 TNBC 0206 0059 1890 0220 0000 0 PS51 TNBC 0206 0059 1890 0320 0000 0 PS81 TNBC 0206 0059 1890 0120 0000 0
Bank of Palestine PS04PALS047507749990013000000 PS86PALS047507749990993000000