Social Responsibility

“Kherbet Mas’ud” is located within the Jenin Governorate. The community is one of three communities “Elqsoor, Dar Abu Faris, and Khirbet Mas’ud”.
Most of Kherbet Mas’ud territories are considered area C. the main road is 2km away from the community; an Israeli military base is 0km away from the community and is adjacent to it. 
The totality of the community’s area of 3000 dunums is currently used. 1000 dunums were confiscated by the Israeli military and the o the 2000 dunums are tabu. 

People in the community relied on herding before the Israeli army confiscated a high percentage of the land and a settler has settled down and prevent them from herding. 

The community’s children go to school in Zabda or Qiffen community. However, it is very difficult for kindergarten to go due to the expensive transportation and long trip to walk (3km)

A KG school is being constructed in the community by WW-GVC. This KG is particularly important because younger children must pass through the flying checkpoints to reach other schools which is very dangerous. 
A KG will not only prevent land confiscation but will also provide a safe space for young community members and their parents. 

